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Lisbon Food Dictionary - 
What's on the Menu?

Lisbon Menu.Welcome to the Lisbon Food Dictionary. Here you can find the most common food related words you probably need to use when visiting Lisbon.

It's presented this way:
portuguese english

The Lisbon Food Dictionary is divided in categories and covers a wide range of items. If you don't find what you are looking for, please use the Lisbon Translator to translate any word you like.

Use them in the restaurants, cafes, bars and others.

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When ready, you just have to print it and bring it with you or, if you prefer, you can save it to your cell phone.

The categories of the Lisbon Food Dictionary bellow are:

Let's go...


alho garlic
almoço lunch
azeite olive oil
coentro coriander
conta bill
dose portion
ementa menu
entrada starter
jantar dinner
lanche snack
lista de vinhos wine list
manteiga butter
meia half
mel honey
ovo egg
pão bread
petisco tidbit
salsa parsley
sandes sandwich

Cooking Styles & Techniques

açorda bread soaked with olive oil, garlic and herbs, usually with an egg then mixed in
assado roasted
bem passado well done
caril curry
cebolada cooked with onions
caseiro home-made
churrasco barbecue
cozido boiled
espetada skewer
estufado braised
frito fried
gratinado baked with cheese on top
grelhado grilled
guarnecido garnished
guisado stew
mal passado rare
massa pastry/pasta
médio medium rare
molho sauce
na brasa charcoal-grilled
no forno oven-backed
picante spicy
posta thick slice of meat or fish
quente hot/warm
recheado stuffed
salteado sautéed

Soups & Stews

caldo verde shredded kale in potato broth
canja chicken broth
cozido à portuguesa stew of meats, sausages and cabbage
feijoada bean stew made with meat
feijoada de marisco  bean stew made with seafood
feijoada de caracóis  bean stew made with snails

Shellfish & Tidbits

amêijoa clam
camarão shrimp
caracóis snails
gambas prawns
lagosta/lavagante lobster
lagostins crayfish
mexilhão mussel
ostra oyster perceves barnacles
sapateira crab
vieira scallop


atum tuna
bacalhau codfish
bacalhau à Brás codfish shredded, fried with potato and scrambled egg
bacalhau à Gomes Sá codfish shredded, fried with onion and served with boiled potato, egg and black olives
bacalhau com natas codfish shredded, baked with cream and potato
bacalhau cozido com grão boiled, served with chickpeas, potato and greens
besugo sea bream
cação dogfish
caldeirada fish stew
cantaril redfish
carapau mackerel
cataplana a copper pan for steaming fish
cavala horse mackerel
cherne large grouper
choco cuttlefish
corvina croaker
dourada gilthead bream
enguia eel
espadarte swordfish
garoupa grouper
imperador cardinal fish
joaquinzinho whitebait
linguado sole
lula squid
pargo rosy sea bream
pastel de bacalhau deep-fried cod croquettes
peixe espada scabbard fish
peixe-galo dory
pescada hake
polvo octopus
pregado turbot
raia skate
robalo sea bass
salmão salmon
salmonete red mullet
sardinha sardine
sargo bream
solha plaice
truta trout


bifana slice of braised pork
bife steak
bitoque slice of fried beef, served with chips, rice and a fried egg
borrego lamb
cabrito kid
chouriço smoked sausage
costoleta chop
dobrada tripe
entrecosto pork rib
entremeada streaky
febras boned slices of pork
fiambre uncured ham
fígado liver
ganso de vitela topside of veal
iscas sliced liver
javali wild boar
leitão sucking pig
língua tongue
linguiça spiced sausage
lombinhos tender pieces of meat
lombo loin
medalhões medallions
mãozinha trotter/hock
morcela blood sausage
paio cured sausage
peito chest
perna leg
porco pork
porco preto black pig
prego slice of grilled beef
presunto cured ham
rim kidney
rojões cubes of marinated and fried pork
salpicão pepperoni
salsicha sausage
toucinho lard
tripas tripe
vaca cow/beef
vazia prime cut of beef
veado venison
vitela veal


cabidela chicken with giblets
codorniz quail
coelho rabbit
faisão pheasant
frango poult
galinha chicken
ganso goose
pato duck
perdiz partridge
perú turkey

Rice, Pasta & Beans

arroz rice
esparguete spaghetti
favas broad beans
feijão(ões) bean(s)
grão chickpeas
lentilhas lentils


alface lettuce
batata potato
batata doce sweet potato
cebola onion
cenoura carrot
cogumelo mushroom
couve cabbage
ervilhas peas
espargos asparagus
espinafres spinach
grelos tender greens
hortaliça vegetable
pepino cucumber
pimento capsicum
tomate tomato


ananás pineapple
cereja cherry
laranja orange
limão lemon
maçã apple
maracujá passion fruit
melancia watermelon
melão melon
meloa cantaloupe
morango strawberry
pêssego peach
uvas grapes


arroz doce rice pudding
baba de camelo dessert of egg yolks and sugar
barriga de freira dessert of breadcrumbs, sugar,eggs and nuts
bolo cake
gelado ice-cream
leite creme custard
panquecas pancakes
pudim caramel pudding
toucinho do céu dessert of almonds, eggs and sugar


queijo de ovelha sheep's cheese
queijo de vaca cow's cheese
queijo fresco cottage cheese
requeijão curd

Huumm... Delicious, hein? Keep exploring and good appetite!

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Discover how to spell it in the Lisbon Translator
Learn how to say the most common travel related words in the Lisbon Travel Dictionary

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